| West Palm Beach, FL 33401 | 13 years 8 months 3 days ago
Over 92263 jobs Placement across the UK,USA and over 100 Countries
We've got thousands of jobs across all kinds of industries. TJ C Ltd,is a genuinely international company,attracting over 2000 international applicants every year from over 100 countries.The quality of our range of employment opportunities to numerious applicants is one of the highest among UK and other part of the world Job reasearch and employment opportunities company.Many areas being rated in Government Inspections as excellent.Our company and Job researchers are well recognized by the government as international experts in their fields.
Send your resume/CV to the contact information below through E-mail,Indicate on your resume the position which you are applying for please.
Mr David Gibson CBE
Human Resource Personnel Manager.
[email protected]