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Kansas Home Builders
Clevenger Homes, Inc.
6601 Rainbow, Shawnee Mission
Kansas, 65535
Phone: 913-262-3227
Fax: 913-362-2459

Since 1972 we have been building and remodeling homes in the finest neighborhoods of the Kansas City Area. From Smithville to Louisburg and from Lake Quivira to Lake Lotawana. Hundreds of families are enjoying Clevenger Homes or remodeling. We'll assist you to create just the right new home or provide remodeling if you want to stay in your neighborhood. Ron Clevenger provides you with personal service; no middle men or superintendents. Clevenger Homes engages only the best and most knowledgeable craftsmen for each project - tailoring each crew to the needs of the project. Project values range from $10,000 to over $1,000,000.
Daly Homes
Phone: 913-685-0480

Building your home is probably the single largest investment you'll ever make. So when it comes to choosing a builder, you need a forward thinking partner. One that constructs quality homes featuring unique and highly functional designs to meet the demands of your busy lifestyle. One that pays attention to even the smallest details. You need Daly Homes. Daly Homes is dedicated to quality craftsmanship and a long term relationship with all of our homeowners. We take pride in educating and guiding each of our customers through the process of building their home. Because at Daly Homes, we know you want more than a house. You want a special place you can call home.
J.F. Pashman Construction, Inc.
P.O. Box 3466, Shawnee
Kansas, 65535
Phone: 816-820-1753
Fax: 913-268-0079

Joe Pashman is a third-generation homebuilder with over 25 years in home building-related activities. He has hands-on experience as a carpenter, project manager, and owner of his own home building company for fifteen years. Our plans can be priced "as is" to be built in the community of your choice with a wide variety of options or they can be very quickly customized and priced by our in-house staff. Our ability to customize a unique plan for each of our clients is an advantage. Whatever you desire, let J.F. Pashman show you how enjoyable and exciting building your home can be.
Nies Homes, Inc.
10333 E. 21st St. North, Suite 303, Wichita
Kansas, 65535
Phone: 316-684-0163
Fax: 316-684-4707

We have built many, many homes in the last 35+ years. Our experience translates into a better designed and better built home, whether it is in the price range of $140,000 or 2 million. We are proud of the way we do business. Here are a few of the reasons why:
1. Experience Counts
2. Financial Stability
3. State of the art designs and construction methods
4. A warranty
5. We're Insured
6. Quality construction materials
Reece & Nichols Realtors, A HomeServices of America, Inc.

Just a few years after the merger that powered the formation of Reece & Nichols Realtors, the company continues to enjoy a 54% market share and reached $5.6 billion in sales, while helping over 30,000 customers find new homes in the last year. Founded in January, 2001, with the merger of two Kansas City real estate companies with long histories of leadership and exemplary customer service (J.D. Reece Realtors and J.C. Nichols Residential Real Estate), Reece & Nichols is an affiliate of HomeServices of America, the second largest real estate company and premier family of real estate sales associates and brokerages in the nation. In addition to 30 company owned branch offices, Reece & Nichols Realtors also serves outlying areas through it's 28 Alliance offices located from Topeka, Kansas to Lake Ozark, Missouri. Reece & Nichols Realtors emphasis on technology is enhancing communication between agents and clients while streamlining the process of buying and selling homes. Website features such as Quick Search, SellMyHome (for Sellers), MyHome (for Buyers) and TrackMyome (for Buyers and Sellers) provide up-to-date information 24 hours a day. The company's dedication to full customer service with convience for it's Clients is further realized by its on-site Home Mortgage Consultants (through affiliate Plaza Mortgage), title services (through affiliate Kansas City Title) and full line of insurance products through HomeServices Insurance.
Robert Montgomery Homes, Inc.
3008 West 118th Street, Leawood
Kansas, 65535
Phone: 913-338-5500
Fax: 913-345-9998

Traditional, Colonial, or Contemporary, Robert Montgomery has been setting the standard for custom home construction in the greater Kansas City area for 25 years. He is well known throughout the Kansas City home building industry for his high caliber of residential construction and the exceptional refinement of architectural detailing, scale and proportion that is the hallmark of a Robert Montgomery custom home.
Through one of several cooperating architectural firms, we can provide you with a custom designed architectural plan to suit your individual needs. Montgomery's building experience and educational background in architectural design and art history afford him the ability to translate an architectural vision into your new home reality with unusual fidelity.
We also offer our services as design consultants when you have your own plan or architect, but need input with regard to the practical construction aspects of the design. We maintain a close, cooperative, working relationship with subcontractors and material men to insure an integrated and meticulous approach to the building of your home.
Throughout the construction process, we offer complete interior architectural detailing of cabinetry, doors, windows, trim, interior moldings, fireplace mantels, masonry patterns, special wood floor and tile floor patterns, interior and exterior lighting, wall texturing and specialized painting techniques.
TE Woods Homes
Phone: 816-228-1188

TE Woods takes pride in its Quality, Care and Commitment to homeowners. For 30 years, we have been building quality homes across Kansas City. For over 1,000 families, our homes are where family and friends gather, children grow and memories are made. Our homes are designed and built for today's families and the way they live. We pride ourselves in building excellence into every home and community that carries our name.
Wardcraft Homes
614 Maple St (off of S Hwy 15), Clay Center
Phone: 785-632-5664

Wardcraft is a home builder that specializes in quality custom modular homes in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri, Wyoming, South Dakota and Oklahoma. Wardcraft has built nearly 4,000 homes with 2x6 construction since 1971. Recognizing your need for a superior alternative to skyrocketing costs and quality control problems associated with site built construction, Wardcraft has your solution. Your new home will be nestled within our walls until the roof is built, ensuring the home is protected and safe from the elements during construction. With over 85 floorplans and the option to custom build your own design or alter any plan in our custom series there is no need to look any further.