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Maine Home Builders
Chase Custom Homes & Finance, Inc.
1 Percy Hawkes Road, Windham
Maine, 4062
Phone: 207-892-2700
Fax: 207-892-8900

Chase Custom Homes & Finance, Inc. has been building homes in the Greater Portland, Maine area for over twenty years. From modest beginner and retirement homes to spacious and elegant custom designed homes, quality of construction is always a top priority. Contact us for a one on one meeting to discuss your interest in a new custom built home.
Jordan Lumber Company
354 Main Street, Kingfield
Maine, 4947
Phone: 207-265-2231
Toll-Free: 1-800-750-2231
Building Supply & Hardware: Jordan Lumber Company is a family owned and operated business in the scenic western Maine mountain town of Kingfield. We are a full service lumber and hardware retail operation and excavation contractor that has serviced the area for over 30 years. Products and services include: Hardware, lumber, building materials, paint, tools, masonry, generators, chainsaws, lawn & garden, energy efficient heating, well tiles, septic systems, fire fighting equipment, appliances, millwork, excavation services & site work and much more! Dealer for Honda power equipment, Husqvarna power equipment, Makita power tools & outdoor equipment, Mercedes forestry products, and Kochek hose & accessories. Free delivery and on site estimates. "Big enough to serve you, small enough to know you!"
Katahdin Forest Log Homes
P.O. Box 145, Oakfield
Maine, 4763
Fax: 207-757-8278
Toll-Free: 1-800-845-4533

At Katahdin Forest products we believe that satisfied customers are our best sales people, and we do everything we can to guarantee your satisfaction. Working every step of the way to make your Katahdin Forest Log Home the ultimate in gracious living is an honor we take seriously. We believe in making your dreams a reality!
Letourneau Brothers Construction
44 Dingley Springs Road, Gorham
Maine, 4038
Phone: 207-839-1491
Fax: 207-839-1491
Letourneau Brothers Construction has taken pride in doing quality work efficiently. The goal is to create a customer friendly enviroment so that productivity can be of upmost priority, both for us and our customers. We are fully insured and have references.
Maine Cedar Log Homes
35 Main Street, Windham
Maine, 4062
Fax: 207-892-8563
Toll-Free: 1-800-HAS-LOGS

Over 70 Years of Skill and Experience Building Cedar Log Homes.
For nearly three-quarters of a century, L.C. Andrew has been specializing in Maine Cedar Log Homes. Through these years, we have kept several objectives in mind - in our designs and in our product - high energy efficiency, low maintenance, flexibility in design - and the best log homes on the market.
Available prefabricated or as materials, our standard package includes all necessary materials to erect a weatherproof exterior shell. You will receive building instructions, construction manual and blueprints; all framing and trim lumber, cedar logs, Andersen Permashield High Performance insulated windows, insulated or hand-made log doors, roof sheathing, shingles, sub-flooring, and all fastening hardware.
Moosehead Cedar Log Homes
Phone: 518-966-4289

Moosehead Cedar's log home packages are completely precut and numbered. This permits rapid construction of the home by crews who principally "assemble" the component parts into the home. An average size log home (1,500 Square Feet) takes eight to twelve weeks to complete to move-in condition on a prepared site. The exact construction period is dependent on the interior finishes selected. The quality program at Moosehead Cedar Log Homes begins in the forest where our own loggers and contractors select the best looking stems for diversion to the log home factory. The cut ends of every potential log home log are inspected for signs of decay or damage which are automatic grounds for rejecting the stems from further consideration for log homes. The next inspection is at Moosehead Cedar Log Homes sawmill. Each log is inspected once again for any sign of damage and for desirability as a log home log. Those not meeting exacting specifications are diverted to other markets for lower quality logs. Each employee in the manufacturing plant is trained to constantly inspect for log quality. Moosehead Cedar Log Homes also purchases some timbers from other sawmills. These timbers are subject to the same exacting inspection.
Paramount Construction
15809 Paramount Dr., Rockville
Maine, 20855
Phone: 301-948-7238
Fax: 301-948-3046

If you'd be happy with a cookie-cutter style home, we may not be the right home builder for you.
Of course, we could build typical tract homes, but why would we? Our customers don't seem to want that. They want their homes designed to fit their unique lifestyles and they want their homes built to their exacting specifications. And Paramount Construction, Inc. builds these homes so well!
For over a decade, Paramount Construction, Inc., an award-winning custom home builder, has specialized in the design/build approach to buiding new custom homes, additions and renovations.
Using the design/build approach to residential construction saves time, money and avoids problems often encountered when the builder is not closely involved with the design of the new home he's building.
By making our staff of in-house architects available to you from the very beginning of your project, Paramount Construction saves you thousands of dollars typically charged for design fees.
R.S.E. Construction
120 Targett Road, New Gloucester
Maine, 4260
Phone: 207-926-3881
Fax: 207-926-3881

R.S.E. Construction is dedicated to creating beautiful homes that meet and exceed all the needs of our customers. We pride ourselves in trying to capture the charm and elegance of yesterday's homes with the accoutrements and efficiency of today's modern homes.
Unfortunately , most builder's definition of a custom home is letting the customer pick out the color of their countertop . At RSE, however , much of our attention is spent on the fine details of your home. We fabricate and design most of our own trim , cabinets and mantels ,adding that real personal touch to your home. We also bring the integrity and honesty of the better builders of days gone by. We demand only the best from our employees and our subcontractors.
Ryder Construction Company
PO Box 789, Alfred
Maine, 4002
Phone: 207-490-2821
Fax: 207-490-3487

Ryder Construction has been building affordable energy efficient custom homes in Maine since 1985. We offer full service turn key construction packages for every budget. Most new home packages are completed within 90 days. If you are planning to build a new home in Maine please give us a call, we would love to help.
We have many home plans to choose from or would be happy to build from yours. Building lot locations are constantly changing, so please check back or contact us for more information. If you already own a building lot we would be happy to quote a home package to your specifications. We have many financing options to direct you to, including single closing, low interest construction loans.
Spruce Creek Builders LLC

- Custom Homes and Renovations
- Serving Maine and New Hampshire
- Seacoast and Inland.
We are committed to creating with you the home you imagine. With more than two decades experience and working closely with the finest architectural firms in New England we will make your dream a reality.
Sweet Timber Frames
333 Sound Drive, Mount Desert
Maine, 4660
Phone: 207-276-3254
Fax: 207-276-9889

Sweet Timber Frames can design your timber frame home, provide engineering services and a stamp of approval, and build just a frame or a complete turnkey home. Our frames are joined by traditional methods using hand tools and machine tools. All our frames are custom-designed, and can be shipped worldwide.
In addition to our design and construction services, we have expertise in:
Japanese Shoji Screens
Natural Form Timber Work
Full Scribe Log Work
Architectural Millwork
Compound Roof Joinery
Tobique Log Homes
P.O. Box 954, Fort Fairfield
Maine, 4742
Phone: 506-273-2479
Fax: 506-273-4108

Tobique Log Homes Ltd. is located in the historic Scottish settlement of Upper Kintore, nestled in the scenic Appalachian Range which follows the famous Tobique River.
We are close to major transportation routes and shipping centers and have projects in many locations in Canada and the United States. As well, we have projects in Germany and Japan.
Ward Log Homes
P.O. Box 72, Houlton
Maine, 4730
Toll-Free: 1-800-341-1566

Ward invented the pre-cut construction of log homes over 70 years ago. If you've been dreaming about building a new log home, you're waiting is almost over. You see we've help thousands of customers, just like you, build a beautilful log home. Let us show you how affordable your dream can be.