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Missouri Home Builders
Built By Brett Inc.
1739 W Nottingham Springfield, 65810
Missouri, 65535
Phone: 417-886-5024

Built By Brett Inc. has been building homes in the Springfield area since 1988. The company specializes in the market from $225,000 and up, and builds from 4 to 8 homes a year. The company is consistently ranked in the top ten in the Springfield Business Journal's list of builders. Built By Brett is currently building spec homes in Woodfield Park in Southwest Springfield, as well as custom homes throughout Greene County. Our customers are our finest source of referrals. Please e-mail us to request a list of references.
Caldwell Construction
Phone: 417-832-1500

Caldwell Construction is Redefining the Remodeling Experience by expanding your expectations. We consider it an honor to be in your home, and we promise to:
Respect your home, personal property and time.
Clean up after ourselves
Listen to you and communicate with you.
Stay within your budget.
Do exactly what we say we will do, on time.
Amaze you with our customer service.
Do work of exceptional quality.
Provide accurate, understandable agreements.
Whether you are expanding or enhancing our promise will be kept.
Cornerstone Cottages, Inc.
Phone: 417-844-7641

Cornerstone Cottages is dedicated to making your home building experience a comfortable, enjoyable and satisfying journey. Their process is centered on a collaborative effort between Builder, Owner and Craftsmen that ensures you stay informed and reassured every step of the way.
President Tony Brewer manages the process and strives to be accessible to everyone involved to ensure your dream home is completed on schedule, on budget and to your satisfaction.
Derek Alan Custom Homes, LLC
PO Box 649, Kearney
Missouri, 64060
Phone: 816-628-6981

More than just builders, Derek Alan Custom Homes is an experienced team of craftsmen who expertly guide you through the process of building your new home. We will assist you with envisioning all the options available to you; from creating an inviting exterior which draws you in... to unveiling a stunning interior upon your entrance. Our details make the difference.
Our talented and experienced construction professionals take pride in their work, and their effort is evident in every phase of the project. Each part of your dream is handled with care; from the selection of the building lot, to handing over your new keys, you can rest assured that we strive to provide you with the best we have to offer. Our reward is the transformation of your dreams into reality... and the ability to stand before one of our homes and say, "We built this."
Homes by Sam Watts, Inc.
Phone: 417-753-2330

Sam's relentless pursuit of quality has produced numerous distinctive homes throughout the Springfield area.
"We've built custom homes in a variety of styles at prices ranging from $100,000 to $600,000 and they are located in subdivisions like Quail Creek, River Fork Ranch, Iron Bridge, Cooper Estates, Sunset Estates, Kings Mill and Stone Meadow.
However, I try to limit our activities to about six new homes per year, with no more than four projects running at the same time. That allows me to inspect each site daily and keep tabs on progress."
MacLachlan Custom Homes
Phone: 417-881-7841
Fax: 417-836-3572

The MacLachlan home building heritage goes back to the Castle MacLachlan (shown left), destroyed in 1746 in the Battle of Culloden, and the MacLachlan Mansion as it appears in Scotland to this day (shown right).
The MacLachlan home building heritage goes back to the Castle MacLachlan (shown left), destroyed in 1746 in the Battle of Culloden, and the MacLachlan Mansion as it appears in Scotland to this day (shown right).
For the past two centuries the building trade has been passed down from father to son without skipping a single generation. There is evidence indicating that the family has been involved in building much longer. It is hard to say exactly when the first MacLachlan laid stone and mortar in the Cowal, Scotland region.
Shryer Building Company
Phone: 417-725-1073
Fax: 417-839-6244

We've been building homes in the Ozarks for over 25 years and we would like to help you build and design your dream home.
Stenger Homes
Homes of all sizes and designs built by Stenger Homes can be found in the finest communities in the Springfield area including Ironbridge, Stone Meadow, Highland Springs, Quail Creek, National Place, Stanhope Terrace, Spring Creek and Pearson Creek.
UP-TYTE Construction Inc.

We've been family owned and operated since we began in 1977. UP-TYTE Construction Inc. has been located in the Springfield, MO area for 20 years and building with insulated concrete forms since 1996. We became a Reward Insulated Form dealer in 1998. We've constructed many homes in the Springfield area that would comply with the Energy Star Standards. We currently have a home that is Energy Star certified with a rating of 5 star +. UP-TYTE has built homes of all sizes and designs. We are very hands on and involved in the construction process.
We try to stay ahead of the curve in new products and are very involved in the Springfield HBA. UP-TYTE has constructed homes that are award winning and featured in major local magazines. We currently build 1-4 homes per year ranging in size from 1,500 square feet to 6,000 square feet.
Woodco Inc.
2851 HWY 60 West, Billings
Missouri, 65535
Phone: 417-695-2100
Fax: 417-695-2104

Woodco Construction Solutions, Inc. has the unique ability to offer to its potential clients a wide range of professional services from which to choose.
Our experience enables us to work on a broad range of different types of projects employing a wide range of materials, including the following:
Pre-cast Concrete
Tilt-up Concrete
Structural Steel
Pre-engineered Metal Buildings
Metal Studs
Conventional Stick Frame
With a proven track record of providing to our past and current clients experienced and well seasoned personnel necessary to handle virtually any type of project under 10 Million Dollars, we feel that Woodco should be your first and final choice.
Other services Woodco, Inc can offer to our potential clients are as follows:
Construction Management
Complete Design Build and Pre-Construction services
Development and Land Planning for Residential Subdivisions
Historical Renovation Services.