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New Mexico Home Builders
BRYCON Construction.
134 Rio Rancho Blvd NE, Rio Rancho
New Mexico, 65535
Phone: 505-892-6163
Fax: 505-892-3371

General Contractor, value engineering & maintenance.
Dorman and Breen Architects
New Mexico,
Phone: 505-299-5940

Dorman and Breen designs homes that address the unique requirements of each project. Based on the needs of the family, each home is designed to respond to the views from the site and the qualities of the terrain.
For this reason, our designs are not any single "style," and each home is truly a custom design.
Fuller Homes
4810 W. Pan American Frwy N.E. #D, Albuquerque
New Mexico, 65535
Phone: 505-888-4740
Fax: 505-888-4734

Superior quality... meticulous craftsmanship.. demand for excellence.. ALL trademarks of an industry leader! For more than 20 years, Fuller has been building more than just great homes, we've been building a flawless reputation.
Fuller Homes is determined to be more than just another homebuilder. We have dedicated ourselves to the fundamentals. As a builder of distinctive homes, you will find Quality, Craftsmanship, and features usually found only in higher priced custom homes. Our finishing touches will confirm - no detail is overlooked. Fuller Homes goes beyond features.
At Fuller Homes we want to create a special sense of community, neighborliness, and belonging. Where old memories are cherished and new ones begin. For over 25 years we have been building distinctive homes and neighborhoods tailored to meet even the most discriminating homebuyer's needs.
Homes by Marie
PO Box 2777, Corrales
New Mexico, 65535
Phone: 505-342-1532
Fax: 505-342-1579

Each custom home is designed from the inside out, where form follows function. And by walking clients through the large and small details of the design process, Betty can incorporate her clients' preferences with her discriminating sense of design and function.
The result is a distinctive blend of flow and aesthetic. A blend of grand open space and personal comforts unique to your lifestyle. You have found Homes by Marie.
Albuquerque home builder, Homes by Marie, is one of New Mexico's most sought after home builders. Homes by Marie builds Southwestern and Tuscan style homes distinguished by meticulous detail, superior craftsmanship, and luxurious livability.
Custom details, views, and open design are all hallmarks of Homes by Marie. "We build so the client has few upgrades- our standards are the upgrades." By specializing in new home construction, Marie Elizabeth Blea, "Betty" for short, has the opportunity to get to know her clients and learn their lifestyles. "Every home is different," Betty says. "Satisfying our client is our primary goal."
John Kaltenbach Homes
PO Box 21114, Albuquerque
New Mexico, 65535
Phone: 505-856-8553

John Kaltenbach Homes is a custom home builder and contractor in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and the surrounding areas of NM. For almost 20 years, this New Mexico home builder has been known for livable homes and attention to detail. Whether contemporary or traditional, southwest or modern, they are thorough in design and construction. John Kaltenbach Homes is focused on building the highest quality houses for their clients.
John Kaltenbach Homes is well known for building the homes that their clients desire. Their customers consistently report the being a part of the creative process one of the most rewarding aspects of working with this award winning home builder.
New home building can be exciting and fun. Not only known for quality of construction, but also for quality of service, John Kaltenbach Homes is very proud of their ongoing good relationships with their clients. John Kaltenbach's thorough technical background in construction and over 20 years of experience in the home building industry give him the skills to guide his customers through what can sometimes be a complicated process. Commitment to quality in both construction and client service is another of the reasons their owners find the home building process so rewarding.
Klinger Constructors Inc.
PO Box 90850, Albuquerque
New Mexico, 65535
Phone: 505-822-9990
Fax: 505-821-0439

Klinger Constructors, LLC constructs physical environments in which businesses and people can prosper. We offer extensive construction and design-build services in commercial, industrial, and institutional markets.
Since 1982 Klinger has been based in Albuquerque, New Mexico and has constructed a wide range of projects in the Southwest., We have completed more than $550 million worth of construction. Our customers include many major national companies including MCI, General Electric, General Mills, Intel, State Farm, Wal-Mart and Philips Semiconductors, as well as numerous regional and local firms.
Klinger Constructors, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Klinger Companies, Inc. which designs and constructs industrial, commercial, and institutional buildings throughout the United States.
Our success is based on meeting or exceeding our customer's expectations with a commitment to excellence in construction.
Lee Michaels Homes
1540 Juan Tabo NE, Suite A, Albuquerque
New Mexico, 65535
Phone: 505-299-1500
Fax: 505-299-8189
Toll-Free: 866-301-8343

Lee Michael Homes is a well known local designer and builder of unique award winning homes. They take great pride in their planning and development of special custom home communities in and around the Albuquerque area. The builders, Mike Knight and Phil Schreffler, have worked in this community for over 15 years and are very sensitive to the natural beauty of the environment and the unique Southwestern lifestyle of the people who live here.
In keeping with this sentiment, Lee Michael Homes styles their homes using regional designs with subtle, contemporary accents that appeal to all who view them. Their floor plans are designed with no wasted space, and are created to meet the homeowner's specific needs and desires without breaking their budget!
Open rooms and high beamed ceilings are among their trademarks, along with detailed nichos and corbels, vast windows and decks, extra large kitchens and bathrooms, and generous walk-in closets throughout that never seem to run out of space! Each home is meticulously planned for each individual lot to maximize living enjoyment and views while always preserving the environment.
LX&R Design
PO Box 1873, Espanola
New Mexico, 65535
Phone: 505-852-1669

LX&R Design specializes in custom sustainable solar home design including Passive Solar Adobe, Strawbale, Hybrid (Adobe / Strawbale), Wall Casting and A.A.C. Block.
Please note that LX&R does not build homes, but promotes the owner / builder concept.
LX&R utilizes state-of-the-art design tools.
Paul Curry Homes, Inc.
3260 Venus Street, Las Cruces
New Mexico, 65535
Phone: 505-382-2020
Fax: 505-352-0264
Toll-Free: 1-888-882-2022

Paul Curry's reputation in Las Cruces is dependable cornerstone for your new home. Paul Curry has been building custom homes since 1973. His experience and eye for detail make the visible difference in his homes.
Paul curry's success has been an uncompromising attitude for quality. The very best in energy effieient materials, construction, and service result in a superior home that offers years of carefree living. The Paul Curry difference continues after the sale. THat's why his customer service is an essential element in the Paul Curry Home. All homes offer a 10 year Homeowner's Warranty to insure continued satisfaction on myjor structural items.
The Paul Curry difference begins at the drawing board. Style and function are of top consideration in all home designs. Extensive use of roof lines, wood and masonrt detailing, window treatments, fine quality built-ins, open floor plans, soaring ceiling, and maximum energy efficiency are designed into each home.
Paul Curry Homes has provided the leadership and innovation in new home style and design. Paul's team of design and decorating professionals work individually with each custom home buyer in order to create a personalized home for each individual's needs, whether it be a Southwestern "Santa Fe Style" home, Traditional or Contemporary. Let our designers help you bring your dreams to life!
Sunsmiths Ltd Co.
P.O. Box 2845, Edgewood
New Mexico, 65535
Phone: 505-281-8104
Fax: 505-286-5972
Award winning Pueblo, Adobe & metal flat / pitched roof homes.
Michael Spiller - Designer / Builder.