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Ohio Home Builders
Dallis Homes, LLC
3895 Woodridge Boulevard, Fairfield
Ohio, 45014
Phone: 513-860-2800

Dallis Homes LLC is a partnership created between Scott Dallis and Joseph B. Schwarz, both formerly of J-II Homes, Inc., a respected name in the home-building business for more than 20 years. Scott and Joe have 40 years of combined experience in the industry. Scott and Joe are natives of the Butler County area and contiue to reside there today with their families.
Dallis Homes is a builder of single family homes in the $150,000-$500,000 price range. We are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality home at the most affordable price. We provide our homebuyers with professional and personal attention to detail before, during and after the building of their new home. We have an extensive 6 and 11 month service program to make sure we meet and exceed the homebuyer's expectations.
G & R Construction
8170 Corporate Park, Suite 300, Cincinnati
Ohio, 45242
Phone: 513-247-6900
Fax: 513-247-6905

Bob Geisken, Jr. began his residential construction career 30+ years ago, at age 14, helping his father build custom homes. Bob continued the family traditions, specializing in custom single family homes and condominiums. Bob prides himself on knowing the needs of his customer. He is recognized as a hands-on builder, serving as the supervisor for each job. Our goal is to satisfy our customers with personal attention, quality workmanship and particular attention to detail at a reasonable and affordable price.
George Thomas Homes, Inc.
9808 Colerain Avenue, Cincinnati
Ohio, 45251
Phone: 513-385-0900

Building with George Thomas Homes is a two-step process. George Triantafilou is in charge of office administration and design/development of plans. In this capacity he meets with customers to create their individual dream home based on their plan or one of the company's suggested designs. Once the blueprint is approved, Tom Reddy supervises all of the field operations necessary to complete construction. Having George and Tom available for consultation during the entire construction period results in achievement of a mutual goal of complete customer satisfaction and service.
Handyman Connection
10250 Alliance Rd. Suite 100, Cincinnati
Ohio, 45242
Phone: 800-466-5530
Fax: 513-771-6439
Trust Your Home Improvement Projects to the Experienced Pros at Handyman ConnectionR From painting and electrical work to basement, bath and kitchen remodeling, we'll get your project done right. Done quick. Guaranteed. That's why we're North America's leading home improvement and repair specialists.
Keller Building
8170 Corporate Park, Suite 300, Cincinnati
Ohio, 45242
Phone: 513-247-6900
Fax: 513-247-6905

Keller Building has been in the business of building, remodeling and renovating homes and other buildings for more than 35 years. Dennis Keller takes a personal approach to as much of the work as possible and uses the most dependable, reputable companies and people as possible. The design, project progress and completion are all geared to the customer's satisfaction. Pre-project discussions aim to set goals and expectations that lead to a solid business relationship and a happy customer. Follow-up after job completion is timely and without hassle. Dennis Keller is proud to put his name on any project he's involved in. His commitment to homeowners is building custom homes of outstanding quality and design, while providing the highest level of customer service throughout the home building process.
Being a hands-on builder of custom homes, Keller is involved and available during the entire building experience, including after-sale follow-up. Dennis Keller takes pride in serving the customer promptly and professionally. As a senior member of the Greater Cincinnati Homebuilders Association with a strong background in business management and strategic planning, Dennis Keller puts his name and reputation into each home he builds.
M.A. Lemmo Homes Inc.
3416 Rowland Ave. NE, Canton
Ohio, 44714
Phone: 330-455-0611
M.A. Lemmo Home's Inc. Is committed to a "Tradition of quality Workmanship" at a fair and competitive price. A reputation that has been built on it. Lemmo has designed several state of the art floor plans. In addition we will work with you to customize our plans and make changes to fit your needs and lifestyle, or we will look at your plan. At Lemmo Homes, every person involved with your your home, from the master craftsmen to your sales representative, is dedicated to offering you the highest quality craftsmanship at a competitive price. Our goal is to earn the trust and respect of our customers to create a memorable experience and lasting relationship. We have built our business meeting the needs of our customers.
Quality Design Homes, Inc.
P. O. Box 33141, North Royalton
Ohio, 44133
Phone: 440-223-2023

Quality Design Homes has been building custom homes in the Cleveland and Akron, Ohio area for more than 15 years. President Dino Sainato has an extensive background in the building trades. He is a third generation builder who began working at his father's side at the age of 14. His knowledge and expertise grew as he worked as a bricklayer and stone mason both in residential and commercial construction.
Dino has developed Quality Design Homes to be a company that combines old world craftsmanship with the use of the latest building materials and computer technology. Using the knowledge and experience gleaned from years of working his father, Ralph, a master builder and stone mason, Quality Design Homes selects building components that provide true quality and lasting value.
Schmidt Builders, Inc.
9679 Cincinnati-Columbus Road, Cincinnati
Ohio, 45241
Phone: 513-779-9300
Fax: 513-779-2876

Experience, efficiency, quality workmanship and excellence all combine under the conscientious leadership of Alan Schmidt to make Schmidt Builders, Inc. and Alan Schmidt Construction, Inc. successful. Alan wants homeowners to be proud of their homes, to be comfortable in them and to know that everyone who is a part of his company stands behind his motto...Quality...Value...Service!
Tru-Square Builders
6791 Lakota Lane, Liberty Twp.
Ohio, 45044
Phone: 513-759-6222
Fax: 513-759-6223

We have been in the business of home building for more than 20 years working with other builders. Through this experience, we have acquired the knowledge of what customers look for in a new home. True craftsmanship, true pricing, true warranty follow-up, true honest answers and a true business relationship. Thus, the only name suitable for our company is Tru-Square Builders. It is our intention to fulfill this desire for our customers to the best of our abilities. We will put our "true" hearts into each and every home.
We would like to see our company grow so that we are able to give our home buyers competitive pricing and options, yet we do not intend to let our company grow so large that we lose the ability to give our clients the personal attention they deserve. It is our ambition to personally view your plans to build, to customize our plans to fit your needs and to complete your home on time. As a buyer you can expect friendly assistance throughout the building process along with an easy closing process.
Tru-Square Builders ~ exceeding your expectations ~ every time.
Whalen Builders
8170 Corporate Park, Suite 300, Cincinnati
Ohio, 45242
Phone: 513-247-6900
Fax: 513-247-6905

Whitlatch & Co.
P.O. Box 363, Twinsburg
Ohio, 44087
Phone: 330-425-3500

Our professionals develop the distinctive award-winning designs that make each Whitlatch home and neighborhood attractive, comfortable and affordable. We know each home buyer wants something a little different and we're eager to give it to you. Whitlatch offers dozens of architectural plans with hundreds of features to personalize each home. We're continually updating these offerings with the freshest new looks in home design. Whitlatch represents a new generation in home building, and an unmatched commitment to quality, value and service. Through our unique combination of talent, technology-rich design and sophisticated management tools, Whitlatch has raised industry standards winning the highest awards year after year. Best of all, we receive high honors from the most important people of all - our homeowners. The majority of our customers say they would buy a Whitlatch home again - and they do!