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- Washington
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Wyoming Home Builders
Delta Design-Build
3840 Misner Lane, P.O. Box 1323, Laramie
Wyoming, 65535
Phone: 307-745-4866
Fax: 307-745-4867

Delta Design-Build is an attractive option for Owners because it is a proven method for cutting building costs. Through a cooperative effort with the architect and key subcontractors, we create a superior building design. Backed by the extensive experience of our entire staff, Delta consistently wins the trust of our clients.
New Construction
Commercial & Industrial buildings
Tenant Finishes
Commercial Remodels
New Homes
Pre-Cast Concrete
Structural Steel
Wood Frame
Reinforced Masonry
Tilt-Up construction.
Dubbe-Moulder Architects, PC
1160 Alpine Lane, Suite 2a, Jackson Hole
Wyoming, 65535
Phone: 307-733-9551
Fax: 307-733-4302

Dubbe~Moulder Architects was created in Jackson, Wyoming in the Spring of 1996 when Kurt Dubbe and Chris Moulder merged their private practices. Since then, the firm has offered clients a broad range of professional services, including residential and commercial design, historic preservation, land use planning and interiors. Our body of work includes custom private residences, commercial developments, medical, dental and veterinary facilities, tenant improvements, highest and best use land planning analyses, as well as, design, consultation and documentation for a variety of historic preservation uses. The firm maintains complete in-house CAD services, full graphic and 3-D modeling capabilities, and an extensive reference library.
Particularly attentive to the history, natural features and indigenous materials of an area, Dubbe~Moulder Architects is committed to designing unique projects, which incorporate the most appropriate construction technologies into the creation of sensitive responses to environmental conditions, and client desires. Drawing inspiration from the character of a region and site, the designers at Dubbe~Moulder Architects integrate structure and location into beautiful and timeless architectural compositions, which connect people to place.
FIX-ALL Of Wyoming
Phone: 307-575-9965
Affordable, professional business & home remodeling, repairs, improvements & construction ...
Builder & Supplier of economical Styroform-Block-Homes & Buildings
- Remodeling
- Woodworking
- Cabinetry
- Room Additions
- Decks & Fences
- Home & Garage Doors & Windows
- Tiling
- Stucco Finishing Also Available
King Enterprises
Phone: 307-477-5690
Fax: 800-889-8275
King Enterprises is a full service Cheyenne, Wyoming construction firm serving the residential, agricultural and commercial communities. King Enterprises provides 3 specialty services. First, King Enterprises provides turn-key modular homes. We can also add accessories to these homes with site built additions, garages, shops and arenas. Secondly, King Enterprises provides modular and manufactured home installation. Thirdly, King Enterprises provides commercial and residential fence. Licensed and insured, we offer prompt services on your construction and construction process needs. You provide the specifications, and we will manage the details.
We are experienced with local building codes and other government regulations.
W.N. McMurry Construction
5880 Enterprise Drive #600, Casper
Wyoming, 65535
Phone: 307-472-3116
Fax: 307-235-393

With a combined 30 years of experience, our company has the ability to coordinate the planning, design, marketing and financing of a broad range of commercial projects. Our team of managers can promptly address a potential clients needs, stay focused, make decisions, and execute quickly to move the project forward. You can count on our experience, people and dedication to quality to make your next project a success with on-time delivery and reliable cost control.
Our Mission is to exceed our customers' expectations by offering a professional approach with outstanding quality. W.N. McMurry Construction Co. is committed to community involvement and building a better Wyoming by providing jobs and needed.
Westfield Village
Pierce St. just south of Curtis St., Laramie
Phone: 307-721-5937

Westfield Village provides the value conscience home buyer with a clean, comfortable, quality environment in which to live. Against the backdrop of the Snowy Range, a total of 73 single family homes are planned for Westfield Village, with close proximity and easy access to all that Laramie has to offer.
Homebuyers, realtors, developers, and homebuilders are invited to contact us for more information on building your dream today.